What is SAC?
- This is our School Accountability Committee, which consists of parents, teachers and school staff that engage in dialogue to support each other in the enrichment of our children’s education and experience at Chipeta Elementary.
What types of things are typically discussed in SAC meetings?
- Ultimately, the conversations are centered around the premise of “are students learning, and how do we know?”. Chipeta shares information on how learning is occurring and what the focus areas are – and then members of SAC can have dialogue around questions and ideas.
- More specifically, D11 has a variety of metrics that can support this, such as the Unified School Improvement Plan (USIP), 5 Essentials & Core Measures (ambitious instruction, collaborative teachers, effective leaders, involved families, and supportive environments), Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) results, the One Plan, and much more.
Who can be involved in Chipeta’s SAC?
- Any parent or community member.
When does SAC meet?
- SAC meets monthly throughout the school year. Meetings will be the 1st Tuesday of every month at 5:15pm. People can attend in person in the Chipeta library, or online through WebEx.
How can you get involved in SAC at Chipeta?
- You can contact:
- Chipeta’s Front Office at or 719-328-5500
- Chipeta’s SAC Chair, Ian Ratz, at or 952-210-3003
- Fill out this simple survey ( to add questions, concerns, ideas with regards to Chipeta